Yamaha launches electric automated transport service trial 

19 Apr 2022

A trial of Yamaha Eve Auto electric autonomous vehicles has been launched at one of its facilities in Tokyo.

Eve Auto is a new electric autonomous transport service created in a joint venture with Yamaha to operate within closed-off indoor and outdoor environments.

Provided by parent company Eve Autonomy, the autonomous electric vehicles have conducted trial operations at several different Yamaha facilities, with the firm planning to officially start providing its Eve Auto service from autumn of this year. 

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The trial has been conducted at Yamaha’s Prime Polymer plant where the firm manufactures and sells polypropylene and polyethylene resins. These products are widely used in automotive materials, packaging materials, industrial materials, and other fields.

Yamaha says the Eve Auto trial has made it possible to automate the polypropylene resin sample transport process that was previously run in the premises 30 to 40 times a day during both the day and night.

The firm added that low-speed automated vehicles fall under Yamaha Motor’s future business plans, and that by introducing such vehicles into the company, they will be able to save on labour costs in logistics and commercialise the transportation of goods. 


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